wrapping up september.

>> September 29, 2018

The fall decorations are out, candles are lit, pumpkin seems to be in everything...yep, it's fall! After a few weeks of school we seem to have sort of found our rhythm as we juggle all the activities besides school and work. Kids are happily adjusted in their classes, loving their teachers and excited about new curriculum. The beginning of the year is always so fun! Let's just hope that excitement continues as homework gets harder and the days get colder.
Lucy has been loving first grade. Her teacher is the sweetest and best fit for her too. She squeals with delight over homework assignments and gets to start yoga club on Monday! We've been practicing at home and it's so fun to watch her learn new hobbies.

 Soccer practice has been so nice these late September days too. Even after a little rain the sun and rainbows make the fields so beautiful.
 Carter started 3 on 3 basketball last weekend and loved being back on the court. It's a short season before his longer winter league but a great way to get some good practice in.
 Lucy's game last week was awesome! The weather was a bit crazy with rain/wind/sun/clouds the entire hour and Simon was less than thrilled to be there but she scored 2 goals and her team remained undefeated. More importantly I've seen so much improvement from her this season in passing and defense and she truly enjoys playing.

 My parents were in town last weekend too which made it extra special! While this wasn't their typical FL weather they loved watching the kids play sports and we enjoyed spending time catching up with them.

 We really value family meals in our home since it's the one time the kids open up and tell us everything about their day, their friends, their concerns...everything. So, any chance I get I'll make a big, hearty weekend breakfast to enjoy as we sit around the table. Last week....cinnamon swirl french toast with handpicked strawberries we froze over the summer and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. Yum!!
 We went swimming at my parent's hotel pool and then came back to watch the Seahawks game together. So fun!

 Then it was back to routine. Soccer, cross country, work, preschool, curriculum nights, playdates, playing at the park, walks and grocery shopping. But....70 degrees ALL week! I'd say our September was pretty wonderful. Now...all things Halloween!


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