Snow much fun....on repeat.

>> February 11, 2019

I can't remember the last time we had a snowstorm like this. Yes, yes, compared to other parts of the country this is nothing. I get it. But, we just aren't prepared for these types of storms so the cities just shut down for days and days until the snow is gone. But, as I currently type I'm watching round 4 come down hard and heavy in my yard. And it's not projected to stop until at least 10am tomorrow. We have almost a foot of snow, ice under that and more on the way. I guess that silly groundhog messed up his prediction this year!
Since the kids only had 2 half days of school last week, another snow day today and most likely another one tomorrow we've been making the best out of a snowy situation. Lots of sledding, special treats, playdates, snowmen and even a birthday party thrown in the mix. And, any chance we can actually get in the car and drive somewhere safely we've ventured out...just for a change in scenery.

 Chess, board games, books, movies, homework and fort building has helped us balance out all that outdoor playtime.

 We've even had time to decorate a Valentine's Day box for this weeks class party (please, oh please be back in school for class parties!!!)

We could complain about all the snow (which we've done a little) or we can choose to embrace the weather, enjoy the slowness and remember the winter where the snow never stopped. And when it's 95 degrees in the middle of July? Oh you can bet I won't be complaining one little bit!


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