weekend activities.

>> February 1, 2011

This past weekend was one of the first weekends in a while where we didn't have any major plans. It was nice to have some time to play, go for walks and just relax. Typically, we spend time on the weekends cleaning and catching up on laundry. Carter decided he wanted to help. So he vacuumed! And then vacuumed some more.

And then did it again! He's learned very early that a clean house is a happy house!I found some time to try out new recipes. So, Carter found some time to explore.
Then, Matt found some time to finish childproofing the kitchen! Carter's only option was to watch on the other side of the baby gate.He got bored quickly so we played a game of hide and seek under the kitchen table. (ignore the dust and dirt under the table. Obviously, we missed a few spots during all that vacuuming!)Next, it was time to work on his computer. Apparently, he needed to have his pants off to really work. Finally, he even had time to practice eating out of a bowl...all by himself! And, most of it went in his mouth! What will next weekend bring?


Chad and Cate Kuhlmann February 8, 2011 at 3:52 PM  

Carter can come vaccum my house any day he wants!
I don't know what you have going on next weekend...but I do know what is going on the weekend after that!!!! Can't wait to see you guys.

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