1 month
>> March 20, 2011
I just realized it has been 1 month since I last blogged...oops! I guess we have been busy. Well, yes, we have. Here is what last month looked like:
- Matt went to Washington D.C. for a week long Credit Union conference
- I went to a 2 day work conference during the same time.
- I then went to another week long childbirth educators conference a week later.
- Carter got to spend quality time with both sets of grandparents.
- I got to see some amazing high school friends (love you Heather, Andrea & Esha!)
- Carter got 7 new teeth. Ouch.
- Yoshi got to spend 2 hours with a personal trainer (and he's still a crazy dog...money not well spent. Oh well)
- Carter discovered he loves to dance. To any music. Any time.
- Carter learned where his ear, nose, head and belly button are located and will proudly point them out.
Whew...it was a busy month. Here is some documentation of all the fun (and now I'm realizing these are all of Carter. I guess we need more "family" shots. I'll have to work on that!)
Busy playing soccer at Grandma and Grandpa Longhurst's house.Realizing it only takes 2.5 seconds to put every toy on the floor.
Sneaking into our bedroom to read magazines.
Enjoying Grandma Vance's St. Patricks Day Card.
And, for the 3 people who read this blog...a little something extra! We just entered a contest to try to win $1000 in new flooring to redo our kitchen floor. As you can see it's hideous. Yucky, dirty, old, boring, blah. So, go to facebook and vote for us!
he's a vance...of course he loves to dance!!
I voted don't you worry!
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