our little talker.

>> October 5, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. We bought a new camera (finally!) and I have yet to figure out how to download the pictures to a new computer and then find more time to post them. But, be patient, I have lots and lots of pictures to post from this last month!

But, for now, I will entertain you with some of Carter's current favorite words. He has become quite the little chatterbox lately, but only Matt and I usually know what he is saying. I think some of these phrases are so cute and it'll be sad when he's old enough to pronounce them correctly. So, for my selfish desire to not forget this, here you go:

Dog: wuh wuh
Water: wah wah
Duck/Bird: dot dot (kind of like duck duck?)
Peas: peez
Please: pee
Cheese: dee
Up: up (yes, the actual real word!)
Hi: aye
Bye: buh bye
Grandpa: boppy
Cat: bobby (our nanny's cats name is Bobby so of course this is the name of every cat)
Cow: mmmmm
Sheep: baaaaaa
Chicken: bok bok
Donkey: hee aaaw
Swing/Park/Slide: weeeeeeee
Dirt: deet
Banana: nana
Food: nummies
Car/Bus: beep beep
Semi truck: BEEP BEEP
Train: doo doo (choo choo)
Baby: bebe
Owie/Hurt: wowie

And of course, every day a new word emerges out of his mouth. This is such a fun stage and we (okay, Matt especially) are quickly learning that Carter likes to repeat and copy any thing we do or say. So, now we have to be very careful!!!


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