
>> December 3, 2012

3 years ago I looked like this.  I was loving being pregnant, excited for the unknown of labor and feeling prepared for parenthood.  Little did I know that my world was about to be flipped upside down. 
Carter was born after 24 hours of labor and 3+ hours of pushing.  He was worth every ounce of pain.  This little boy made me a mama and I've never quite been the same. He made us a family, made my heart grow in ways I didn't even know was possible and continues to amaze me today.

Turning one.  Such a fun year of growth, discovery and adventure.  

Then two.  This was his year of change.  Changing physical abilities, communicating, showing frustration, new sister, new routines, moving, new babysitter, new house, new discoveries.  And he handled it like a champ.

 And now three.  How did these last 3 years go by so quickly?  I feel so blessed to be able to be home more with the kids.  I love, love, love watching them grow up.  Carter is our busy boy.  He is constantly seeking new things, new ways to learn and discover and grow.  He keeps us on our toes, not just running to keep up with him but also by what he says, asks and knows.  He is smart.  I know every parent says that, but it's true.  He's quick too.  He can pick up on new words, phrases and songs faster than anyone I know. He's sensitive.  He wants to make sure people feel happy, loved and cared for.  He watches out for his little sister, he loves giving me open mouth sloppy wet kisses and always reminds me that "your the best, mom.  I love you."  It melts my heart.
 He's obsessed with all things pirates.  He's total boy.  Not really sure how or when he learned it but new sound effects come out of his mouth every day.  He can easily mimick a spaceship, airplane, car, truck, motorcycle, pirate ship, crocodile and tickle monster.  It's awesome.
He wants to be independent but still wants me there to help, just in case.  He's in a balancing act of being a "big boy" yet still wanting to be tucked in at night and get his back rubbed. He wants to do things himself and is proud to show you how well he can do it.  He is amazed by the simple things in life and voices, "wow!" when he sees something new and exciting.  He's funny.  He's kind.  He's stubborn.  He's athletic.  He's loud. He's persistent.  He's strong.  He's helpful. And, he's three.

Happy Birthday Carter Thomas!  You'll never understand how much we love you.  Here's to another exciting year!

(and now I'm sitting here with tears running down my face as I reflect on my baby's first 3 years!) 


Carey December 4, 2012 at 1:39 PM  

Happy Birthday, Carter, from the Nymans.

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