babies babies everywhere!

>> March 13, 2012

So many of my friends have had babies recently or are about to add another little one to their family. In the same week that Lucy was born I had 3 friends deliver and since then another 3 close friends!

This past weekend we went down to Matt's family's cabin (the newly remodeled one!) to just relax. While we were there we were lucky enough to meet little Bobbi Weir. Bobbi was born just 5 weeks after Lucy. The Weir's have been close family friends with the Vance's for years. Both families have 2 boys, the same age (of course, now all grown up). Stevi and I married into both families and now get to let our little girls grow up together.
We had a little photo shoot with both girls. They were pretty cute!
Holding hands.
Whispering secrets to one another.

Excited to see how these girls change as they grow!


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