3 months.

>> March 20, 2012

3 months already? This last month has gone by especially fast. Lucy is just the sweetest, happiest baby girl. We feel so lucky.

Here's her info:

Curent weight: 14 lbs, 1 oz

Sleep: 2-3 naps during the day. Prefers to sleep while cuddling with me but also loves the ergo carrier when we're out and her swing. Sleeps from 8pm to 5am every night (I'm so spoiled!)

Eat: only breastfed and is still refusing bottles. Hates all of them. Going back to work in 3 weeks and getting really nervous about the transition.

Likes: smiling, her brother, bright lights, rattles and eating

Dislikes: bottles (see above), the car and carseat, loud sounds

Happy 3 months to my favorite baby girl in the whole world!


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