
>> August 31, 2012

Matt and I were talking the other day about how quickly the summer passed by.  At first it seemed like we didn't really get to do too much.  But, thinking back it was packed full of major life events:
1. Matt went to San Diego for a work conference
2. I turned 30.
3. I had my 2nd cornea transplant.
4. We "celebrated" our 5th wedding anniversary ("celebrated" because it was 2 days after my surgery and I was tired and we were at his parents house for the weekend.  Oh well, there's always next year!)
5. Matt accepted a new job in Seattle.
6. We left Bellingham after 12 years.
7. We moved in with Matt's parents for a month.
8. Carter learned how to use the potty!
9. Lucy started crawling.
10. Lucy started standing and cruising on furniture.
11. Lucy learned how to climb the stairs.
12. Lucy gave us a little health scare.  
13. We moved to Bothell.

Hmmm....I'd say we had a pretty busy summer.  
To recap in pictures, here you go.  Some of my favorites from the month of August.
Sibling bath time silliness.  
 After 2 years Carter finally built up enough courage to ride Grandpa Vance's lawn mower.  It took getting Grandpa new headphones for his birthday that Carter could wear so the noise wasn't too scary.  The joy on his face was priceless!
 Lucy in her hospital gown.  Cutest little (healthy!) patient I've ever seen.
 Lots of time exploring the grass (and maybe eating a little too!)
 So much cuddle time.
 Many trips to get frozen yogurt!
 Baths in the big bath tub!
 Getting the cutest little fat rolls.
 Learning how to climb the stairs.
 A new hair cut....just like Daddy.
 Sibling play time at Grandpa and Grandma Vance's house.
 2 big things - big boy undies and his new sword. Yep, still obsessed with Peter Pan and Captain Hook.  After a week of Carter using a stick to "fight" I was fed up and went to Toys R' Us to find a more suitable sword.
 Standing and exploring.  Always.
 Lots of digging in the dirt at the Vance's.
 Love her.
 Nothing says summer more than pool time with popsicles.
 A trip to the Pierce County Fair.
 Park time!
 A trip to Point Defiance Zoo.  Carter's favorite animal...the monkey!
 Our new house.  (We still need to do a lot of yard work to give it a little more curb appeal)
 Standing and smiling.
 More baby girl love.
 Mutual love for one another.  Carter just loved living with Grandma and Boppy for a month.
 His new bed.
 Her new favorite thing to do..."help" with laundry!
 Crazy boy at the new neighborhood park.
 Starting to take a few not ready for this yet.  Shouldn't she still be a tiny little newborn?
Self-portrait on my phone.
 It might have been a crazy summer but was filled with so many great memories.  And, someday, we'll look back and say, "Remember that insane summer of 2012?!?"  Whew, we survived!


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