Infantile Spasms

>> August 28, 2012

Our life has been crazy this past month.  Between leaving Bellingham, moving in with Matt's parents, Matt starting a new job and me taking a month leave from work our family has seen more transition than we've ever seen before. We are finally in our new home in Bothell and trying to make this house seem like home again.  But, more on that later.

During my month of off work, which has been wonderful by the way, I've noticed many big changes in the kids.  Carter is now potty trained (woohoo!), Lucy started crawling, climbing stairs, pulling herself up and cruising on furniture and eating lots of yummy solid foods!  It's been so fun to be home and witness each new milestone.

But, along with those changes I also noticed something a little different with Lucy.  About 4 weeks ago she developed a facial and neck spasm.  At first I blew it off, thinking she was stretching a bit funny.  It was always random, lasted anywhere from 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes and she had 2-3 episodes a day.  I mentioned something to Matt and he finally saw it one night too.  After another few days I finally got it on video, started googling (worst decision ever!) and got a hold of her pediatrician.  After showing the video to the doctor, his concerns confirmed my fears.  Possible infantile spasms - a rare, infant form of epilepsy with not-so-great outcomes like autism and mental retardation along with awful side effects from treatment drugs like blindness, hormonal imbalances and high blood pressure.  We were immediately referred to Children's Hospital for an EEG to confirm the diagnosis and follow-up with a neurologist. 

Her appointment with her pediatrician was on Friday, Saturday and Sunday we moved into our house and Monday we found ourselves at Children's - the one place Matt and I never, ever wanted to be with our children. Needless to say it was a long weekend.
The staff at Children's is remarkable.  From the friendly greeter who met me at the door and pointed me in the right direction to the maintence man who personally walked us to the neurology department after we got lost; they all were so caring, kind and comforting....especially during a very emotional day.

Lucy was a champ during the EEG.  She screamed her little lungs out while they made markings all over her head, disinfected each site and then placed over 30 electrodes on her head with a gauze bandage holding it all in place.  Luckily I was able to hold and nurse her immediately which stopped the tears and she drifted off to sleep for a well-deserved nap.  The EEG was 90 minutes and I was the only one allowed in the room.  Poor Matt sat patiently (although his version of the story is probably different) in the waiting room next to the oncology unit, thanking God we weren't visiting that department instead. After a short nap, she played with toys and the test was over.
 We went immediately to meet with the pediatric neurologist, again, thanking God we didn't have to wait hours or even days to hear the results.  The very first thing she told us was.....the EEG was normal. Whew.  Huge sigh of relief and a few (happy) tears shed.  She told us with certainty Lucy did not have infantile spasms.
 But, the next question was, if not infantile spasms, then what?  Well, that is still to be determined.  2 other neurologists came in to meet with us and watch our video.  Unfortunately, they couldn't completely rule out a possible seizure disorder but said it was highly unlikely.  Instead, they think she has habit spasms.  Basically a quirky little thing she does for some unknown reason and will eventually grow out of.  It's hard to not have a true label on what she's been doing but we are so blessed that she is a very healthy baby girl.  Her development is right on track and the doctor's really didn't have any concerns, other than to just monitor her for any changes.
 So, we made it through our first very scary experience as parents.  Probably the most anxious/nervous/terrified we've ever been.  And Lucy, just kept on smiling, just like she always has.


Katy Pancake-Boal August 28, 2012 at 8:51 PM  

So glad she is okay!!!!! Poor thing:( I've been anxious waiting to hear how everything went. Thanks for keeping us updated Julie! Love to you all!!!

Shani August 28, 2012 at 10:11 PM  

So glad everything is ok! That is so scary

Patricia Davidson August 28, 2012 at 11:36 PM  

I can't imagine our ever healthy little Lucy having reason to be at Children's. I am shocked and my heart goes out to you and Matt for what you have gone through. A BIG HUG from Marmie! We never know what life will bring to our lives but Lucy is a very lucky little girl to have such watchful and loving parents. I'm thinking of you always and miss you smiles and laughter, Marmie
Marmie loves Carter
Marmie loves Lucy

Heather August 30, 2012 at 3:51 PM  

it is so scary to be a parent sometimes. these little people that we are blessed with are so precious, and anytime anything is out of the norm, it is so terrifying. i know how scary this must have been for you and matt, and i am just so relieved and so happy little lucy is healthy and doing well. love you guys.

Megan August 31, 2012 at 7:13 PM  

I have a daughter with infantile spasms. I remember the fear during that first EEG. I'm so glad that your daughter's EEG was clear. Best wishes!

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