the good, bad and ugly.

>> October 7, 2012

Parenting is the hardest job I've ever had.  Some days are good, wonderful, fun and exciting.  Others are exhausting.  And some are just ugly.  Today was one of those days. Luckily it wasn't the entire day, but definitely a large portion of it.  As I continually learn how to talk to, discipline and live with an ever evolving toddler, I've discovered each day is different.  I'm going to blame today on fatigue.  Yesterday we had a wonderful, full and fun day the pumpkin patch (another post to come!) and Carter just didn't get enough sleep after that.  This morning started off with throwing toys, running away while getting dressed, throwing food, refusing time outs and screaming.  And that was all before 8am. 
But, we put a smile on our face, went to a new church and then headed to Costco.  I had my extra snacks in hand for that "just in case" moment while we shopped and plenty of creative ways to keep him entertained.  Instead our 20 min. trip turned into kicking his shoes off, grabbing food out of the cart, dumping an entire bag of trail mix on the ground and hitting his little sister on the head not one, but 4 times (before I realized I should save her and get her out of the cart!).  It ended with me carrying him out of the store, without shoes on, kicking and flailing all the way to the car - not an easy task when he's the size of a 5 year old. 

 But, then a nap happened.  A glorious, long, peaceful nap.

 And he woke up happy.  A completely different child.  A pleasant one.
Bed time turned into another battle and we quickly realized it was just a bad day.  For everyone.
But, now he's peacefully sleeping in bed.  Such a breath of fresh air to watch a still very little boy cuddle up with his Mickey Mouse doll and fall asleep.  Makes me realize he really is a little boy.  Learning, growing, testing, discovering.
And now praying for a much better day tomorrow.  Because we all deserve it.


Carey October 14, 2012 at 5:58 PM  

This stage is difficult, but it doesn't usually last too long. You are doing a great job.

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