a little catch up.

>> November 27, 2012

Life has been busy (a very good busy) and is about to get even busier.  Having 2 kids with December birthdays is so much fun.  We love the excitement, joyfulness and holiday cheer during this time so adding 2 birthdays to celebrate makes it even more joyful!  But also a bit stressful, expensive and well...busy.
So, to recap the last month or so, here is our life in pictures.
We are working on more arts and crafts projects.  I'm not a crafty person but pinterest makes me think I am.  So, get ready for some homemade Christmas presents!
 The heat in our house sucks.  It's like little space heaters in each room that get so hot you'll burn your little finger off.  So, it's taken some time to figure out how to stay warm and keep it child friendly.  In the mean time we use lots of blankets and wear slippers a lot.  Or...rain boots!
 Story time.
 Just the cutest little smile you've ever seen.
 And one of the funniest expressions she's given me.
 He's finally starting to warm up to the camera.  For the past year Carter usually runs the other direction when he sees me pull out my camera, but in the last month he's actually letting me create some memories.  Love it!
 They really do get along, like, all the time.  It's amazing to watch Lucy's face instantly light up when Carter comes in the room.  And, other than a few moments of wresting her to the ground each day, he really is the sweetest big brother and always tries to make her happy.
 We've had a few really nice fall days.  When it doesn't rain we head to the park!
 Early morning kisses.
 Carter just LOVES that Lucy can sit next to him in the cart now.  I still hate how germy they are (and use about 50 clorox wipes each time before they sit down) and feel like I'm pushing a semi-truck through the store, but it keeps them happy.  So, I will continue to do it.
 We met up with my parents and visited the Tacoma Children's Museum.  My parents loved watching the kids run around and explore.  Such a fun day.
 Playing on a random elephant statue near a park on Camano Island.  Not really sure why it was in the middle of a field, but Carter loved it.

 Silly faces!
 Her "oh no!" face.  Lucy's personality really is starting to come out more and more each day.  Her favorite thing to do is nod her head "yes."  It's so funny to watch this little person interact and answer your questions with a very serious head nod.
 Last weeks rain storm flooded our backyard and almost made its way into our house.  Matt ended up coming home from work early, putting on in his famous yellow rain suit and carrying 50+ gallons of water by the bucketful out of the yard.  Better him than me.
And....that's our life!


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