from the mouth of an almost 3 year old.

>> November 4, 2012

Just so I don't forget....some random quotes from Carter in the last few weeks:

While going potty 3 weeks ago - "Mama, my penis is as big as Pinocchio's nose!"
Then, yesterday while flushing the potty he said again, "My penis is big.  Just like Pinocchio's nose is big."

C: I'm a big boy.  Lucy is a baby.
Me:  Yes, you are right.  But you used to be a baby too.  You used to live in mommy's tummy.
C: Yes.  Do you have a baby in your tummy now?
Me:  Nope.
C:  Well, you should.  Many, many many babies.  But only sisters.

While looking at Grandma Vance's movie collection:
Sleeping Booty (Sleeping Beauty)
Too White (Snow White)
Many doggies (101 Dalmatians)
Toofasia (Fantasia)
Booty and the beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Laddin (Aladdin)
*Clearly the Booty movies are the best!

C:  I love you Mama.
Me:  Oh, I love you too Carter.  You're the best.
C:  No, Daddy is the best.
Me:  Oh.


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