from the mouth of a child.

>> January 15, 2013

Many people have told me that year 3 is really hard, even harder than 2.  Well, Carter has only been three for a little over a month but so far I'm loving it!  His behavior has been less crazy, he's listening, more independent and saying the funniest things.  Just so i don't forget them later, here's a few funny conversations from the past few weeks.

Me: Carter, you are such a good brother, always watching Lucy to protect her.
C: Mom, Lucy isn't the prospector, she's Lucy!  (from Toy Story)

While working on the difference between the words "he" versus "she"
Me:  What are you?  A boy or girl?
C: Boy, so....he!
Me: Yep!  What's Lucy?  Boy or girl?
C: Girl, so...she!
Me: That's right.  So, is Daddy a boy or girl?
C:  Mama....he's not a boy!  He's a Daddy!

While playing Candyland:
C: There are 4 colors: red, green, yellow and blue. And 4 people in my family: me, mama, daddy, lucy.  That is my whole family!  Wow!

C: Mom, who bought this shirt for me?
Me:  I did.
C:  Thank you mom.  Who bought this book?
Me:  Daddy did.
C:  Thank you Daddy.  Who bought Lucy's head?
Me: Well, I made her head when she was in my tummy.
C:, really mom. Who bought it?

And not to be outdone by her brother.  Lucy has been quite the chatterbox herself!
Newest words:
Dis (this)
nigh nigh (night night)
Aby (baby)


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