
>> May 14, 2013

Anyone who lives in WA knows it has been an incredibly beautiful May.  Lots of sunshine and hot days have meant extra time spent outside, barbecues and swimsuits. We just love this weather!
I pulled out the sprinkler for the first time this year.  Carter loved it and still asks everyday if we can turn it on.
 Lucy was much more timid.  A few drops of water hit her head and she ran away as quickly as possible.
 My parents came up for a day and my Dad brought Carter a new kite.  We went down the street to the park to try and fly it. And, they got it in the air for a few seconds!
 Matt was gone on a work trip in NYC for a few days so once he was back we spent a family day at Juanita Beach Park.  It's only 15 minutes from our house but feels like we are on a beach far, far away! Such a fun swimming area for kids, lots of sand, playground and swings.

 Lucy spent most of the time playing in the sand.
 Until she saw a dog and then she took off.  I think she ran after this little dog for almost 5 minutes before giving up (and spotted another dog who was sitting down that so she could actually pet it).
 Carter built a castle!

 Later that day we went home and pulled out the pool.  Of course, we needed a popsicle snack first.
 Matt just loved having the kids "help."

 And yet again, Lucy put her toes in the water and was done.  I think she'll be the type of kid who takes 20 minutes to slowly enter a pool where Carter will be the one who just runs and jumps right in.
 We had barbeque chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.  Yum!
 And the next day, we did it all again!
 Still too nervous to get in that pool.

Now we really can't wait for summer!


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