our little fish.

>> June 18, 2013

3/4 of our vacation was spent in the pool.  Carter would beg us to swim in the morning, we'd drag him out for lunch and a nap and then immediately run back to the pool for the afternoon. It was so fun to watch him improve over the week.  At first he wanted his goggles on, wanted to be held onto and thrown into the air just a little bit.  By the end of the week he was treading in water, getting tossed about, almost doing flips and had mastered the back float and backstroke!  He even swam without his floaties on the last day across the pool between Matt and Grandpa all by himself!  We were so proud, especially after the swim lesson battle we had just 2 months ago.  
 Lucy loved the water too.  She was much more timid, didn't like to get splashed and wanted to stay warm.  But, by the end of the week she started to copy her brother and loved jumping off the side, walking up and down the stairs and kicking her little feet below the water.
Our view each day as the kids would run off the elevator and across the grass to the pool.  Lucy insisted on bringing her baby with her this day.
  It was a joke that Lucy had a new swimsuit for everyday we were on vacation.  It was always a surprise which one she'd wear each day.
 Carter had a green crocodile towel when he was little and now it was Lucy's turn for her own purple giraffe towel.

 These pictures just crack me up.  Both Carter and Matt were having so much fun putting their faces in and out of the water.  Unfortunately, the pictures look like they are both drowning.  Don't worry, both were happy and safe!

 My little water baby!

 Such a good shoulder workout throwing a 43 lb. child up in the air over and over and over again.

 Lucy loved when Tom and Kathy swam with her.

 And of course, she had to be just like her brother and get thrown up too!

We've now realized that our next vacation definitely needs a pool!


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