just keep swimming.

>> September 3, 2013

 It has been an incredible summer.  We have so many warm, sunny days spent outside playing, running, biking, swinging and....swimming!  There is a great beach just 15 minutes from our house which the kids now love.  It has the perfect mix of nice, soft sand (as opposed to the normal rocky sand most of us are used to!) and a great kids swimming area.  Both kids run to the sand, take off their shoes, get their lifejackets on and take off into the water.  Even Lucy who usually is a bit timid of the water has ran in the last 2 times we went.
 We went back to Juanita beach over the weekend so Matt could see the kids swim and spent over 1.5 hours in the water.  Lucy's new puddle jumper is the perfect size for her and has given her so much confidence.  She now loves to back float and kick her little frog legs.

 Of course we spent some time playing in the sand too.
 And when it was time to go home the kids insisted they hold each other's hand.  Cutest sibling moment ever.

 The next day we pulled out the backyard pools and swam again.  Lucy is fearless in this pool, it's actually pretty funny.  Carter, being his normal 3 year old self, wanted to jump off the slide, slip onto his back and splash like crazy.  So, naturally, Lucy did the exact.same.thing. Only she weighs 23 pounds less and slides around a bit more but never once complained or whined when she face planted over and over again.  She just wiped the water off her face and did it again!

I'm soaking up every last sunny day until fall comes.  I just love this season!


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