Lucy the talker!

>> September 17, 2013

Yep, that's right....Lucy is talking!  Who would have thought just a few weeks of in-home speech therapy (combined with a weekly 3 hour night class, a workbook, 2 dedicated parents and a loving big brother) could completely transform a little girl?!?  After learning some basic communication tools we could use with Lucy she just started saying so many wonderful words!
About a month ago Lucy was only saying "mama" and "uh-oh"  with lots of random babbling.  Now she is saying: hi, bye, mama, daddy, uh oh, doggie, cat, moo, ruff ruff, baa, roar, ooh ooh aah aah, ouch, up, all done, meow, quack quack, buzz (lightyear, of course), help and no (which is cute right now but probably won't be so cute in a few months). 
It's been really exciting to watch her learn, imitate and practice new sounds.  It's been encouraging to see the tools work, challenging to observe, wait and listen at times (or OWL for my SLP friends) and a lot of work.  But she's talking.  And it's great.  Really, really great. 
So here are some fun moments in the life of our favorite little girl during the past month. 

At almost 21 months she is truly one-of-a-kind. She is a rule follower, an organized neat freak (hmm..wonder where she got that from???), kind, loving, likes to test limits, a mix of super girly and ready to wrestle, sweet, cuddly and just the perfect compliment to our family.
We love you Lucy and couldn't be more proud of you this past month!


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