trick or treat.

>> November 2, 2013

This year's Halloween was probably Carter's 1st truly anticipated holiday.  He waited all month, endlessly talking about his costume, the candy, the tricks and treats.  It went on and on.  So, when the big day arrived he was pretty happy.
We watched Curious George's Halloween Boofest in the morning.  Ate pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. And (luckily) took great afternoon naps to prepare for the big night.
And then I bribed them with raisins to take a few pictures.
 I love that Lucy pulled up her tutu over her stomach.

 We headed over to Country Village for some early trick-or-treat practice.  Carter was squealing in delight over everyone's costumes.  Lucy was just confused.  She finally just took Carter's lead and copied him while holding out her bucket.  Once she realized she got candy she never looked back.  She might be a quiet, shy little girl but she sure knows how to push her way through a crowd to get to a big bucket of sweet stuff!

 We met up with our friends Amber, Archer and baby Adam.  Archer was a superhero but only wanted to wear his cape.

 One of Lucy's first trick-or-treats!  Since she can't say "trick-or-treat" and we are still working on "thank you" she ended up blowing kisses to everyone after getting candy.  Most everyone fell in love with her pretty quick.  :)
 The fire department came out too so Carter wanted his picture taken with the truck.  You were only supposed to get candy from 1 fireman but Carter somehow managed to take a piece from all 6 of them!

 We headed home, ate a quick dinner and then went around the neighborhood.  We have such great neighbors and it was so fun to see so many families walking around. The kids were so excited and lasted over an hour!  Poor Lucy got tired of walking in between all the houses but somehow kept up with her big brother.
 After their buckets were full we came home to check out the stash.  Lucy dove right in with a sucker and Carter with some Skittles.  Peter Pan and his ladybug were tired, sugar-filled and very happy.

Some of my favorite moments that I don't want to forget:

Halloween morning I overheard Carter tell Lucy: "To get candy you hold out your bucket and say trick or treat.  But, you are so beautiful and if you smile a lot, you could get even more!"

I told Carter he could go out trick-or-treating as long as he wanted.  His reaction:
"Really?  As long as I want? Oh wow, like a whole 10 minutes!  Mom, you are the best!"

Carter seeing a little girl dressed as snow white:  Mom, look!  It's snow white!
Me: Yes, there is a little girl dressed up as snow white.
C: No mom, that is the real one!  Wow….that is beautiful!

Carter spotting a middle-aged man wearing a faded Buzz hoodie from across the parking lot:  "MOM!  MOM! IT'S BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!  IT'S BUZZ!  MOM!  DO YOU SEE HIM!
hahaha…I was dying.

Carter upon coming home from trick-or-treating: Mom, I'm going to sit right here by the door and wait for our customers.  Do we have any customers who need candy?

Such a fun holiday. And now only 363 days until next Halloween!


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