pumpkin patch adventure #2

>> October 24, 2013

With the fantastic fall weather we've been having we decided to take the kids out to another local pumpkin patch.  Matt had to take off a day of work in the middle of the week for Lucy's speech therapy appointment so we thought it'd be fun to make it a family day!  
I also thought I was a genius for suggesting a pumpkin patch day in the middle of the week to avoid the weekend crowds.  Umm, I was dead wrong.  As were were driving up to the farm we noticed bus after bus along with a full parking lot of cars!  I guess I completely forgot about those fun preschool field trips that occur during the week.  Luckily as long as we timed it right, most of the groups weren't in the same area we were so it wasn't too chaotic. 
 It was fun visiting a new farm and letting the kids explore new activities.  Carter loved the rubber duck water races.  Such a clever little thing to nail down a gutter at an angle and provide some water.  Super simple and lots of entertainment!
 They had super cute swings too.
 And the hay barn!  There were actually 2 hay barns at the farm.  This one was a huge empty barn full of hay the kids could jump into.  The other one was a hay maze.  Picture a super old wooden barn with low beams just at the right level for an adult to bump their head with hay bales set up in a maze. Then picture 438 preschoolers running throughout the barn, on 3 levels attempting to find the exit.  Add in a super fast slide, 19 adults who are stuck in the middle, no electricity and you have pure chaos. I was so happy to leave that barn as soon as I found Carter amongst the other 900 children.
But…this first barn was awesome.  :)

 And our favorite activity….the corn pit!  Instead of a sandbox there was a huge pit full of dried corn!  Carter loved running through there, making corn angels, having races and getting corn in every single little crevice of his body.
 It took Lucy a little while to warm up to the idea, but once she climbed in she was all smiles.
 This picture cracks me up!  I don't think she was really trying to clobber him, but still hilarious.

 After a quick snack and some hot cocoa we made our way over to the pumpkins.

 Little Lucy.  Huge scarecrow.

 Even though it was foggy and cold, it was still a beautiful fall day.

Such a great mid-week family day that was so desperately needed.  We will for sure be back again next year!


Shani October 26, 2013 at 6:28 PM  

We love that pumpkin patch. I'm still going through all the pictures!

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