soccer, seahawks and a little bit of crazy.

>> October 8, 2016

We've finally found our groove this fall. This season of change has seen some tears and frustration, some happiness and excitement and mostly a whole lot of busy! I thank my phone calendar on a daily basis for keeping me organized and remembering each place I'm supposed to be. Juggling work schedules, school schedules, soccer practices and games, birthday parties and playdates gets a little nuts sometimes but I'm also trying to really enjoy this season of life and realize I'll miss all this chaos when its over. 
The soccer season has reached its halfway point and both kids are really enjoying their teams and games. Lucy just adores playing with 5 other girls and I must say it's pretty cute and also pretty impressive how good they are at such a young age!
 She's had the same coach for 3 seasons now and he is so great with these girls. They just giggle and hug him all throughout practice and are constantly begging him to sub them in to play.

 She is so fun to watch and I'm so glad she is enjoying this fall sport!

 Though soccer might take up our weeknights and Saturdays when Sunday rolls around we are all about the Seahawks. Matt still goes to most of the home games so it's me and the kids at home to watch them play on TV. The kids love it because it means a picnic lunch in the living room, lots of cheering and screaming and usually some time to play on the iPad when the game starts getting a little slow. Simon claps and cheers too, even if he has no idea what's going on!
And then a little bit of crazy. We are in full blown toddlerhood around here. Simon is a busy boy getting into EVERYTHING these days. He wants to keep up with the big kids and I must admit, he's pretty darn good at it. He isn't afraid to get into the pantry to find a snack for himself, he loves throwing away anything he feels isn't really needed anymore (lunch containers, remote controls and iPads are his favorite choices this week) and still enjoys playing in toilet water (yuck!). Like I said, toddlerhood at its finest. He's talking so much, obsessed with dogs, dog pictures, dog sounds and dog books and would stare at our neighbors dogs all day long if we'd let him! 
Carter lost another tooth (#4) and his adult teeth are no where in sight! His toothless smile is so cute and he's finally figured out how to talk and eat without those missing teeth!
And just to keep it real....this is most often what pictures look like around here. Those moms who can post pictures of their perfectly posed children, all dressed in cute clothes with their hair done and teeth brushed...more power to you. But in reality, this is life. It's crazy, busy, loud and tiring. But, I wouldn't want it any other way.


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