October fun!

>> November 2, 2016

October has been a busy, busy month! To make a better effort to slow down a little bit we've started Friday night movie night. I've basically eliminated all screen time during the week so this gives us a chance to cuddle up together, share some popcorn and watch a good movie at the end of a long week. The kids love it and get so excited each week to choose a new movie.

 Carter is almost done with the Harry Potter series! We started with book 1 last Christmas break and have about 150 pages left of book 7! He is obsessed with the storyline and characters and begs us to read it every single day. It's been so fun to see him get excited about books and reading.
 Soccer season is finally winding down. It's been a long few months of practices and games 3 days a week. Lucy and Carter each have 1 game left and while I'll miss watching the games and getting to know the other soccer families, I have to admit it'll be nice to take a break from the wet, muddy fields for a while. Simon has been a trooper through it all, especially on those rainy Saturday afternoons!

 I am loving my time with Lucy right now while Carter is at school. Knowing she'll be gone at school all day next year makes me try to appreciate the little moments we have together now. After preschool I try to do a special activity with her, even if its something small. She is full of drama but usually the happy kind, which is hilarious and fun all at the same time.
 Another particularly wet soccer game! And whoever thought of making white shorts/socks the team uniform should be fired. I'm proud to say I was somehow able to get all the mud out of his socks and have them clean for the next game!

 Simon is our early riser (well, I guess we are all early risers but he's the earliest of the 3 kids) so we get a little play time each morning for about 20 minutes before the big kids come running downstairs.
 Love these boys!

 He would live on Cheerios alone if we'd let him. And...some days we do.
 So proud of Lucy! She finished this math workbook in only a week. Love my eager learner!
 Cold, fall mornings usually call for pumpkin pancakes and homemade forts with flashlights!

 A picture with my favorite preschooler before school one morning.

 Raspberry fingers for a preschool breakfast...so fun!

 Lucy, Simon and I wandered through Molbeks last week to see their holiday displays. Each tree is so beautifully decorated. I wanted to buy so many things!
 Boys and books. Simon loves to copy anything his older siblings do.
 A beautiful fall afternoon biking through the neighborhood.
 Another soccer game and then end of the season soccer party. His coach was so great this year and hosted a party with all the boys and siblings (loud, crazy house!). Each player got a trophy, which was a pretty big deal.

 And Seahawks Sunday!

Halloween pictures coming soon....it was so fun this year!


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