a soccer weekend.

>> October 17, 2017

We are settling into the new routine of school, preschool, work and sports and I think I'm finally finding my groove. Waking early to get in a good workout, have some alone time and pack lunches before the busy day begins...it's all feeling normal now. I'm really loving my days home with Simon too. It's fun to have a toddler to go on adventures with and he has such a big personality, I just love our simple conversations. The other day I took him to the Children's Museum to play for a bit. It's so nice to have a huge play space nearby for those cold, rainy mornings. 
He spent the majority of time in the water room and then hung out in the airplane telling me over and over again he was flying to Seattle. Seriously, for the family whose kids tend to have speech delays or articulation concerns he has blown us away. He is talking so much and is learning tons of new words each week. 
 Before we left I had to use the bathroom. Simon has a very similar personality to Carter. Always on the go, busy busy busy and likes to explore. I always have to have my hand on him anywhere we go. So public restrooms aren't so simple when he wants to crawl on the floor and touch every.single.surface. Yuck! But this little seat was fun and new so I set him down while I peed. And sure enough, he realized pretty quickly he could unlock the door and push it right open! Thanks Simon. Who needs privacy anyways?!

 The rest of our weekend consisted of soccer. Lots of soccer! Lucy had another game and did so great playing defense. She stopped a goal and really improved her footwork down the field.

 Love this team!
 Then, on Sunday, we headed into Seattle for the Sounders game. Lucy scored free tickets from her summer Sounders Soccer Camp and we knew everyone would love watching the game. In the past 3 months all the kids have been to a Mariner's game, Seahawks game, Aquasox game and now Sounders game! Sheesh - we are apparently a sports loving family.
 On our way in to the stadium we stopped at the Mariners Team Store to look around. Pretty sure we could buy all of Simon's Christmas presents there this year! Simon loved seeing his favorite players on the wall too. He ran right up to get his picture...love his love for sports!

 We settled into our seats and quickly realized the sun was blaring into our eyes. It was so bright we couldn't see a thing! Luckily, Matt's brother, who has season tickets, invited us down to his section so we could have a better view. The kids loved spending time with their uncle and his friends too.

 And the best part? Besides a great game and 4 goals by the Sounders, we made it on national TV! Such a fun night, can't wait to do it again.


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