my favorite Valentines.

>> February 17, 2018

Valentines Day is one of my favorite holidays. Not because of all the sweet treats, flowers and cards. But because it's one day where we stop, slow down and tell the people we love just how much we love them. It's where we make little cards with puns to give to a friend. A little note, a pencil, a kind word. In the middle of so many awful things happening in our country right now slowing down to say, "I like you" can go so far. 
Simon got to have his first preschool party and it was so fun! They made chocolate covered strawberries, exchanged Valentines and played games. His school has been the perfect fit for him and I'm so glad we can continue again next year. 
Of course we stayed with a sports themed card complete with sports stickers to pass out to friends.

 Carter's class and teacher this year are remarkable. I'm already getting sad to think about the year ending in June because it's been such a great year. His teacher is one of those who we will both never forget. She challenges her students, encourages and motivates, teaches really important life lessons and makes it all fun. I can't say enough good things about her. Lucky for us, she's also our neighbor so we'll get to keep seeing her every day! Carter finished his 2nd sewing project of the year - this adorable heart pillow! He was so excited to show me when he finished, compare it to his first project and tell me exactly what techniques he used. Lucy finished her Valentines craft and wrote the sweetest note on the back for Matt and I. She also made a list of everything she loved. It included our family, our dog (who died 2 years ago) and Alexa -  the amazon computer girl. Hahaha!! Love it. Her teacher has been the perfect fit for her too. We really are so happy with their school!
 They each had class parties, got to pass out valentines, make a special treat and play games. I loved being able to attend, help out and watch all the kids show kindness and love to each other. Carter's teacher gift was a compliment book for each student. For the past month the kids have come in to their classroom each morning, chosen a student compliment card and written down something nice about that person. His teacher complied it into a book so we could see every students picture along with their compliments. Amazing.

 We came home from parties, admired cards, ate treats and relaxed. Later that night Matt and I had a simple kale salad dinner and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.


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