he's three.

>> June 13, 2018

I have a love/hate relationship with these posts. On one hand it's fun to look back at the past year, see how many ways the kids have grown and changed and remember so many special memories. But then I realize how fast this past year went and how my baby is suddenly no longer a baby. And then I feel all the emotions! 
Simon turning three is huge for our family. We don't have a baby anymore. We are past that stage and it feels good and weird and sad and exciting all at the same time. We are selling all our baby gear, thinking ahead to bunk beds and sports and preschools and it's all just happening so fast. Simon was the final piece to our family's puzzle and he's just the best little toddler we could have ever hoped for.

 He loves all things chocolate. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate candy, chocolate donuts -you name it and he'll eat it. But give him meat? No way! Self proclaimed vegetarian (with a few pieces of bacon every now and then) - it drives us nuts sometimes. He's by far our pickiest eater and would prefer to live off PB&Js, avocados and yogurt if we'd let him.
He wants to be just like Carter. Or Lucy. Or really any big kid. He and Carter are like twins sometimes and their brotherly love is amazing.

And he LOVES sports. All of them. He's athletic and strong and eager to learn. He doesn't play with any toys other than balls. We have bins of outdoor balls and bats and clubs and mitts and indoor versions of the same. We pitch him about 1553859 baseballs every.single.day and he's good. Like really good! He'd rather read sports books than anything else and knows most of the starting line up of the Mariners and Seahawks. I can't wait to see him start t-ball next week. He's never been more excited about anything else!

He's goofy and smily and silly and such a toddler. He so desperately wants to be a big kid but still needs his naps, prefers his snuggles and throws his tantrums. He talks more than the other kids ever did at this age and his expressions and stories are hilarious.

I thought my 2 hour labor was fast but it in no way compares to the speed of these past 3 years. They have flown by and while I'll forever miss our baby phase of life I'm excited to see what year #3 holds for this incredible kid.

Simon - we adore you and can't wait to celebrate all weekend long. Sports party, chocolate cake and loads of friends - all your favorite things!!


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