pumpkin patch round 4!!
>> October 23, 2018
This has been the most beautiful fall season I can honestly remember. Sunny, bright blue skies, warm temps, beautiful red leaves and no rain! The rain is forecasted to return later this week so we've been soaking in all the sun we can get until the drizzly grey skies return.
We've lucked out and had amazing weather for all of Carter's cross country meets (last one today!) and Lucy's outdoor soccer practices.
Our family walks have been beautiful watching the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. And even family movie nights with pizza delivery (it was a LONG week!) have been spent with the sliding glass doors wide open to breath in the fresh air.
Last weekend we visited our fourth and final pumpkin patch. We have the most amazing farms right in our own neighborhoods and it's so fun to take advantage of what each one has to offer. This was, by far, the simplest of the farms we went to but also so fun. A working farm, no special attractions other than a tractor ride, huge pumpkin patch, fresh homemade cider and lots of vegetables growing nearby. It was a cold, foggy morning but perfect for a fall family activity.
Yesterday Simon was begging to carve his little pumpkin and it actually worked out great! Big kids were at school so I had plenty of time to give him my full attention and not make a huge mess with all 3 kids scooping guts out of their pumpkins at once. He wanted a baseball pumpkin but I'm not the most creative mom in the world so we opted for a super happy pumpkin face instead. Luckily he loved it!
Then we spent the afternoon outside at one of our favorite parks playing baseball (of course) and running through the leaves. The park maintenance crew probably loved the fact that Simon ran through and kicked ALL the leaves they had literally just blown into a huge pile. Ha!
Here's to another beautiful foggy morning and sunny afternoon in the PNW! Read more...