pumpkin patch, round 2.

>> October 4, 2018

How is it already October?! This first week has been filled with fun and it's only Thursday. 
Monday morning we slowed way down and spent the entire morning at home after the big kids went to school. Simon and I played with puzzles, painted and practiced his letter writing. That squiggly "S" is a bit tricky but he did pretty good!
In the afternoon we went to soccer and then headed over to the school so I could volunteer at yoga club for Lucy. It is the cutest group of 10 kids who will meet weekly for the next 2 months to learn new poses and practice new yoga positions. She did great and can't wait to go back!

 Tuesday was busy with work and preschool but the afternoon was all about cross country. It's a big deal in 3rd grade to get to participate with the upper elementary grades and Carter did great. His school hosted 2 other nearby schools for a 1/2 mile race, divided by grades. He's usually more of a short distance runner so this has been so good for him to learn how to pace himself with those long legs of his. Catching up with other friends while we watched the races was fun too. We have built such a great community of friends at school and all of our kids love running around with siblings on the fields and playgrounds. 3 more meets to go!

 And then yesterday we found ourselves with an entire day of nothing planned! This little cutie and I decided to venture outside (brrrrr...SO cold!) for a trip to another local pumpkin farm.
 Having one on one time with him has been so great for both of us. Being able to focus on what he wants to do has led to less tantrums, so much talking, lots of playing and a whole lot of fun.

 And because it was lunch time.....we had to buy the fresh, hot, pumpkin spiced donuts! I did pack a super nutritious lunch for him but somehow he convinced me to let him eat 3 of these first! I'm such a sucker.


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