poop and vomit...not a pretty sight.

>> June 24, 2008

So the past 3 days our puppy has found a new craving for none other than his poop.  It's rather disgusting.  He literally will poo then turn right around to start eatin' it up!  We talked to the vet yesterday and she assured us that it can be quite common for puppies and not to worry, but just clean it up before he has a chance to nibble on it.  It's been working...until today.  Matt came home from work this afternoon to find not one, but two piles of poo on the kitchen floor that had not only been slightly eaten, but also smeared across the floor.  While attempting to clean it up, the dog decided he had to vomit all over the one carpet in our house.  After all, no one likes to digest their poo.  With puppy in left hand and paper towels in right, Matt successfully cleaned up the mess without throwing up.  It was a big day in the Vance household.  Welcome to puppy life.


Thomas Family June 25, 2008 at 12:43 AM  

Okay, you win, I'd rather potty train my kids.

jessiparkert July 8, 2008 at 8:43 AM  

I have two friends with Goldens who went through the same thing.

One put a bit of meat tenderizer on the dogs food, so that the poo did not taste good...it worked.

The other added canned pumpkin to the food bowl each day. Pumpkin apparently tastes good in food, but repugnant when in the poo.

Anyways, good luck! I think it might be a breed thing, it seems common.

Luckily, Gage only likes cat poo, I mean loooooooves cat poo. =-)

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