what i've learned.

>> March 8, 2010

I can't believe how quickly these last 3 months have gone by. Yet, it seems like Carter has been in our lives for so long...I can't imagine life without him. As a new mom, I'm learning new things every day. Here's a list of just a few things I've learned:

1. It's amazing how one can function on such little sleep.
2. My renewed love for coffee.
3. How I sway and bounce automatically, even if I'm not holding anything at all.
4. The magic of a binky.
5. Blow-outs are now preferred over constant spit-up.
6. It is possible to fall in love with someone, in an instant.
7. 2 loads of laundry each day is totally normal now.
8. Never hold a baby without a burp cloth, unless you're prepared to change your clothes.
9. A baby's giggle is the most magical sound.
10. A quick trip to the store is no longer quick.
11. It takes an SUV to fit everything you need for a weekend away.
12. My husband is an amazing father.
13. Baby fingernails grow at an alarming rate.
14. Squishy cheeks and thighs have never been so cute.
15. Being a mom is my proudest accomplishment.


Brie March 9, 2010 at 7:01 AM  

I love it! I love him! And naturally I love you!

Chad and Cate Kuhlmann March 9, 2010 at 11:07 AM  

All those are so true!!! I was like you and needed a burp cloth on 247. I'm glad you are loving being a mommy...but how couldn't you!

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