8 months

>> August 4, 2010

Our not-so-little boy is already 8 months old! He now weighs 24lbs, 10oz and is wearing 24month-2T clothes! Crazy, I know. This summer has been so fun with Carter. We take walks in the stroller, play on the swings, splash in the pool and scoot all over the house

Big milestones:
He has officially started crawling (okay, well, like 2 steps and then falls to his stomach to reach for a toy) but still...he's mobile!
Pulling himself up onto the coffee table, crib, and anywhere else he can get his hands onto.
Letting go of our hands when he's walking to reach out for something.
Taking off his diaper (luckily, it's only happened on the changing table and I've been able to put it right back on!)
Peeing for the first time standing up! Happened last night when we were waiting for the bathtub to fill up. Yep...all over the floor! He was very proud of himself.
Eating all sorts of foods - sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, avocado, apples, peaches, peas, green beans, zucchini, blueberries, yogurt, oatmeal, rice and cheerios. We are trying chicken tomorrow!
Mastering the art of the sippy cup.
Transitioning from 3 naps to 2.
Cheerios are his new favorite snack. And I must admit, it's a great snack to have on hand when we are at the park/restaurant/friends house and I need to keep him happy! He loves to grab an entire handful and then try to shove them in.

His new favorite toy is this rubber ducky. It's really just a bath toy, but it's the only thing that will keep him distracted long enough for me to change his diaper without him rolling all over the place.
We are loving this stage and loving our sweet boy. Happy 8 months Carter!


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