the 8th month.
>> August 31, 2010
Carter will be 9 months old on Friday. As I was looking back at this past month, I realized how many huge milestones occured during his 8th month. He can now:
1. Say Dada, Mom, Bob, Hi, Hey, Duck (who knows where he picked up Bob from???)
2. Crawl everywhere...and fast!
3. Pull himself up onto anything
4. Walk holding onto something
5. Push his car around the living room
6. Stand by himself
7. Wave byebye to himself (so cute watching him do it backwards!)
8. Eat more finger foods
9. Stand up in his crib
10. Grow hair quickly
11. Get new teeth (6 total)
Ignore the mismatched pajamas!
Such a good helper in the kitchen!
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