a boat ride.
>> August 14, 2010
We have been wanting to do a day trip to the San Juans all summer and today seemed like the perfect day. So...we got up early (well, our normal hour of 5:30am), picked up our friends (Brandon & Carrie Glanzer) and drove down to Anacortes to catch the ferry to Friday Harbor. It was Carter's first ferry and he loved it! Carrie and Brandon waiting in the terminal to board the boat.
Matt and Carter.
Carter checking out the view from the boat. He loved looking at the water, walking around the ferry and smiling at all the girls.
Family pic.
It was 90+ degrees today so we spent most of the day going in and out of shops trying to find some air conditioning. After lunch it was time for ice cream!Matt and Carter on the ferry heading home. He did such a good job despite the fact he was hot and sweaty and stuck in a stroller for most of the day.
Here are a couple more pictures just because I thought they were cute. Carter's hair has been coming in more blond, his eyes turning a brighter blue and just basically getting cuter every single day!
you guys are so fun!
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