
>> August 21, 2011

Last week I took Carter out to Boxx Berry Farm to pick some blueberries. He and I both love blueberries so I thought I could stock up for the winter. We got there and instantly went to work. He did a lot of this: And this:

While I franticlly picked the berries. After a lot of snacking, picking and chasing we ended up with 13lbs of blueberries! In fact, he snacked so much in the fields, the berries went right through him and I got to change him in the middle of the farm....that was a first.

He would not sit still for a cute little picture. Right after this he snacked on a few more straight out of the bucket, then took off running again down another row!

Boxx Berry Farm also has this amazing market and storefront. They sell beautiful flowers, fresh produce and homemade strawberry shortcake. So, of course, I had to sample it. It would be rude not to.

Luckily, I had a partner to help me finish it off. So delicous!

Then, we spent some time playing on the playground. At the end of the day we had a VERY dirty but happy and tired boy. Can't wait to go back next year!


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