the new baby.

>> August 9, 2011

Meet our new baby. Yep...a baby doll. She doesn't have a name yet, we're are still trying to decide on the right name! (Just like the real name. And yes, we are keeping it a secret once we decide!)
We thought it was time to buy Carter his own baby so he can start practicing for the real one. The last few weeks he has really grasped the concept of helping. He helps me put laundry away, take laundry out, put dishes away and put toys away. So, why not learn how to help with his baby?
You wouldn't believe how excited he got when we went down the doll aisle at Target to pick out the perfect baby! Haha...Matt was thrilled. And, the first thing he did was poke her eyes out....wonderful.
We got home and he quickly started caring for the baby.
First he had to find the right cup to give her a drink. (Notice baby is lying face down into the carpet. Lesson #1 - teach him the concept of breathing.) He then realized she needed to be held. Good neck support too!

Then it was time to offer her a drink.

But she was getting heavy, so he dropped her. (Lesson #2 - teach him how to gently set a baby down, not drop, throw, swing or toss across the room).

Then he decided to just pour the water over her head. (Lesson #3 -no feeding the baby).

So, I guess we have some work to do, but it's a good start. He'll be the best big brother!!!


Carey August 27, 2011 at 8:49 PM  

I really enjoy keeping up with Carter on your blog.

If you want to see our pictures of Adrian, our grandson, check out:

Carey Nyman

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