huntin' for a tree.

>> December 4, 2011

Well, we survived the weekend. Just barely. I don't think Matt and I sat down for more than 5 minutes all weekend. Between Santa Pictures (Matt working at them), going to see Santa, grandparents visiting, birthday party, more late night work for Matt, baking 5 dozen cookies, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, getting a Christmas tree, decorating the tree, building a gingerbread house, more cleaning, sending out Christmas cards, writing thank you cards and a little eating....we are exhausted!

In the midst of all the craziness we did have a lot of fun. Especially searching for the Christmas tree today. Carter loved choosing all the trees he wanted to take home. And was very clear which ones he didn't like, proudly saying "NO" each time he saw one that wasn't perfect.
And off he goes!
He got a little distracted with the sticks on the ground. And decided it was more important to look for sticks than search for a tree.

We finally found the perfect tree. Okay, so it's very small but just what we needed this year. Between all the new toys and a new baby we don't have much room in our house. But, we love it!
It took a total of 14 seconds for Matt to cut it down (yes, the trunk is the size of a toothpick!)
After we tied it to our car we spent some time feeding the ducks. Unfortunately, the ducks ran away as quickly as possible when we got near them. Oh well, maybe next year.
Tonight after dinner I had this great idea to make a gingerbread house. Because I hadn't cleaned the house enough in one weekend, I thought we should make another big mess right before bedtime.
The before shot.
And after!
And a sneaky little boy trying to steal candy off the house!
Yay for Christmas! Okay little girl...everything is now officially checked off our to-do list. You can come any day now!


Carey December 5, 2011 at 7:54 PM  

Matt and Julie, I enjoy looking at your blog. Carter is getting to be such a big boy! A second birthday and lots of other activities just before baby sister arrives--what fun!

Our blog is at www.careynyman.
You can see our grandson, Adrian, there. I don't write like you, just pics. Carey

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