mother/daughter love.

>> December 28, 2011

We are 8 days in. And what an amazing 8 days it has been. I am so in love all over again! Lucy has been the most mellow and calm baby and we couldn't be more grateful. With an overly excited 2 year old who often bounces off the wall during the day, Lucy has been such a cuddly, sweet baby. She still has her days and nights mixed up, but is getting better. Her favorite time to be awake is from 9pm-11pm, right when Matt and I are ready for bed. She is an amazing eater and was already 7lbs, 15oz at 6 days old (8 oz. above birth weight). We are adjusting so well and have loved having extra family time together with Matt being off work.

People keep asking who she looks like. She does look a lot like Carter, but after looking at baby pictures, she looks even more like me! This is my newborn picture:
And here is Lucy:

And, just because she is's another one.
Carter has been the best big brother. I was worried he would become very jealous but instead he has quickly learned that Mama needs time for Lucy sometimes and loves "helping" with her diaper changes and giving her many kisses (sometimes not so gentle, but he has good intentions!)
This is how we found him the other day during a nap...apparently a new baby in the house really wipes a kid out.
Probably the best 8 days of my life. Yep, definitely.


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