
>> December 2, 2011

Two years ago at about this very time my water broke. I had been having contractions most of the day, but then they stalled. So, after a brisk walk around the block I came home to have a puddle of water land on the floor. Thus began a marathon labor. Over 24 hours later, Carter was born!

I have been thinking so much about his labor/birth lately (for obvious reasons of course....I'm ready to go into labor any day now with #2!). How has it already been 2 years? He is my baby and watching him run, jump, yell and talk just amazes me now. How have we been parents for 2 years? We survived (although barely at times) and looking back it's incredible to think about all that has changed, how we have adapted to new phases and loved every second of this crazy ride.

Carter's current likes:
Wee wees (raisins)
Green beans and peas
Dat Dat (Big Bird - Sesame Street in general)
All things football
His big boy bed
Saying "no"
Giving us his big eyes
Tickle fights
Piggy back rides
Helping mama bake
Feeding the dog his food
Being as independent as he can be!

Carter's dislikes:
Sitting still
The dog eating his food (when he chooses not to give it to him!)
Getting lotion put on his face
Pants with buttons on it (he will only wear elastic waistbands...silly boy!)
Being rushed to do something

Carter Thomas Vance - my favorite two year old. You will never fully understand how happy you make us. From your early morning snuggles in bed to our bedtime routine at night, you are such a sweet, silly, caring little boy. I love the age you are at. You are talking more and I look forward to our conversations in the car every morning to Marmie's. You get excited to tell me the deer are still sleeping and are always sure to say goodbye to the pile of dirt by the side of the house. I love watching you play with your daddy. The way you too wrestle each other, laugh and just be boys makes me cringe in fear for you getting hurt but beam with happiness at your love for one another. I love your hugs, your open mouth kisses on my cheek and your silly facial expressions when we eat dinner. You are crazy. You are full of energy. You are non-stop. I love it. You love food (thank goodness, healthy food) and I love when you help me bake. You are becoming so independent, reminding us every day that "you" can do it by yourself. You are smart, already knowing 11 letters of the alphabet. You are caring and gentle and will make the best big brother. We love you so much Carter. Happy 2nd Birthday!

And, his 2 year stats: 35 lbs and 37.5 inches tall!


Heather December 2, 2011 at 8:05 PM  

happy 2nd birthday little man! you are just getting so big and so handsome!!!

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