grandpa and grandma longhurst.

>> April 9, 2012

My parents came up for a visit last week to see Carter and meet Lucy for the first time. They left on a 4 month vacation to Florida a few days before Lucy was born and other than a few Skype chats, they hadn't "officially" met Lucy. My mom instantly fell in love. Lucy was pretty happy too!
Carter was excited to see his other grandparents too. We kept telling him they were Grandma and Grandpa from the made a little more sense once he saw them.

My parents brought back gifts from Disney. Lucky for them Carter is obsessed with Mickey Mouse right now. Like it's all he talks about. He wore this shirt 3 days straight (luckily I was able to strip it off him to wash it every night!). Oh yes, and he received a Cat in the Hat hat from his other grandparents the same day (can you say spoiled?). Also obsessed and wouldn't take the hat off for 3 days either. Oh well, it's a pretty cute combo.
Reading stories with Grandpa.
Lucy LOVES to nap on people and prefers it over her crib any day. My mom didn't mind the extra snuggle time.
We went to the park and Carter completely wore out my Dad. 4 months ago Carter was busy, but now he is a crazy 2 year old who has endless amounts of energy and loves to run away and have people chase him. My dad was the lucky one who got to run. Thanks Dad!
Yep...still wearing the hat. And yep....picking his nose.
It was a fun day and I'm so happy they were finally able to meet their newest granddaughter.


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