29 months.

>> May 22, 2012

Carter's not quite two and a half.  Almost.  And, probably my favorite month yet of his little life so far.  It's not that we've done anything super spectacular or went on a trip or bought a new toy.  It's just him and his personality shining through day by day.  We have a funny kid.  I think I've told Matt this every night this past week.  He's picking up new words and phrases, repeating not only sentences we say, but the tone or mannerism we say it in too.  It cracks me up.  Simple stuff like, "bye guys, see uh toomourrough (tomorrow!)"  
It's funny the memory he has too.  Like Matt and Lucy were sick last week.  I said they had an owie in their noses and instantly he remember a Curious George episode from a few weeks ago when the monkey had a cold.  So, naturally, he says, "yeah mama, monkey too!"  Of course, Carter....just like the monkey.  
Our little boy is just growing up.  It's so fun to watch him think about the world, observe other kids play and learn his own quirky social skills.  He can take forever to walk to the park just to stop at every flower, pick up a rock and examine it from all angles and notice every little piece of garbage that needs to be thrown away, and then proceed to do just that.  It's funny how I can simply walk past that stuff without even thinking about it.  Yet, somehow, he learned that you shouldn't just walk right by, but instead, take a moment and just slow down a bit. 

 Don't get me wrong.  Not every day is filled with enlightening moments.  We still have days with tantrums, struggling to listen, learning to share and pushing limits.  But, somehow it doesn't seem so bad when I get a "mama, I wuv you" every now and then and at the most random moments (like in the middle of washing our hands while we sing the Happy Birthday song).
 And just another reminder of how old he is getting.  His first bike.
 How can he be big enough for a bike already?!?
He still has a ways to go before he really gets the hang of it.  I think it'll be a very fun summer!


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