6 months.

>> June 22, 2012

Dear Lucy,
You are now 6 months old.  I'm not sure how this happened.  Time must be moving more quickly than it used to.  I wish it went slower.  I love this phase.
You continue to be a sweet, mellow, happy, content, loving, cuddly baby.  I hate to brag but you really are such an easy baby.  Since the day we brought you home from the hospital you have never once woken up in the middle of the night crying to eat.  Instead, you continue to roll around, kick your feet and when I wake up you give me the biggest smile and wave your arms in the air to show me how stinkin' excited you are that I'm awake.  You are ticklish right in the rolls of your neck.  And everytime I give you a bath and wash your neck you squeal with delight.  I love that part of the night. You are a little social butterfly.  You smile all.the.time.  When you see my face from across the room your eyes light up.  When Carter runs to the changing table to watch you get dressed you giggle, smile and reach out for him.  I love that you love each other so much already.
You are now determined to move.  Yesterday you started sliding across the floor on your tummy and today I caught you pushing your knees to your chest to scoot.  Instead you ended up rolling over to suck on the coffee table handle and reach for Yoshi's chew toy.  It's only a matter of time before you are no longer immobile.  You can sit up unassisted, like chewing on teething rings, love your thumb anytime you're sleepy and still prefer to cuddle with someone when you nap.  I dont' mind it though.  I love your cuddles too.  Let's be honest, the house has been extra messy since you've been around.  I'd much rather sit and nap with you than wash the dishes.  I think you'd agree.
I feel so lucky to be your mama.  I get excited to think of all the mother/daughter stuff we'll get to do as you grow up. But, for now, I'll cherish this time.  I'll try to soak up each and every slobbery kiss.  I'll continue to wake up in the middle of the night just to check on you and watch you sleep, because you're so peaceful.  (and then I'll check on Carter and watch him sleep too  -  but find he's fallen out of bed for the 4th time that night!).  I love you my sweet little Lucy.  Happy 1/2 birthday.

6 month stats:
17 lbs, 4 oz (75%)
26 3/4 inches long (80%)
Just breastmilk every 3-4 hours...starting solids soon!
Rolling all over the place
Scooting on your tummy
Sitting up
Waking up 1 time each night for a little snack
No teeth but a lot of drool!


Carey June 25, 2012 at 10:17 AM  

She's really adorable, Matt & Julie!

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