what we've been up to.

>> June 3, 2012

It seems like life just won't slow down.  All week I'm in my constant state of organized chaos.  I spend about 1.5 hours each night prepping for the next day; packing lunches, doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning and then start all over again the next day.  The weekend finally comes and it's all about playtime!  
Carter turned 2.5 today.  How did that happen?  Our families' never really celebrated half birthdays growing up but I'd like to start a new tradition, especially since both kids have December birthdays.  Nothing big, but just a little special day to reflect on 6 months.  And...a good excuse to buy some new summer toys!  
 Carter is just loving his sandbox.  He even passed up a trip to the park today to play in it.  If you know Carter, this is a very big deal.
Lucy is still loving her thumb!
 Sitting up like a big girl, grabbing toys, rolling over. Gosh, she is getting too big, too fast.
 Carter now loves to wash the dishes.  I haven't given him the "real" dishes yet, since he's still a bit clumsy and I don't really feel like cleaning up broken plates.  But, he's fantastic with plastic!  It gets a little messy but I think it makes it more fun that way.  Especially the look on his face when bubbles end up everywhere.  Priceless.
 And, he's become quite the little handyman.  If you ever need someone to screw in a nail, he's your guy.
 Apparently this month will be record low tides in our area.  We headed up to Birch Bay for the day to check it out.  Yep, super low!  We told Carter (since it was super windy and a little cold - remember, WA beaches!) to stay out of the water and just play in the miles of sand.  Of course, 2 seconds after we got to the beach this is where we found him.
 Matt brought a kite to fly.  The cheapest kite you could ever buy.  And of course we didn't think about putting it together before we left the house.  So, in the middle of hurricane force winds we attempted to put together a $2 Mickey Mouse kite.  It was pretty comical!
 After a few failed attempts we actually got it up in the sky for about 15 seconds.  Carter was screaming, "daddy, daddy!" and running all over the place as he stared in the sky.  Such a great little family moment. Then, the kite broke.  Mental note: buy a better kite next time.

 Matt then taught Carter the fine sport of seaweed tossing.  Lucy and I hung out and watched from a distance while the boys giggled with delight.
 Just a random moment of cuteness when we got home.
 Back in the sandbox, yet again.

 And, a surprise visit from my parents this weekend too!
I love weekends.


Katy Pancake-Boal June 8, 2012 at 7:15 PM  

omg...I was laughing so much reading this post...so cute and funny! LOVED the pic of Carter in the water when you gave him miles of sand to play in...I laughed there...the broken kite...I laughed there too...your days are starting to sound like mine now that I am back at work....SO looking forward to the weekend where I can actually get more stuff done:) It's go go go when I get home but I'm so tired! Glad you have the weekends to spend with your little family...I miss you and can't wait to do family things together!

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