in a week.

>> April 10, 2013

Kids are quietly napping so here's a recap of the week!
My kids are messy eaters.  Lucy is in the "throw everything on the floor over and over and over again" phase and Carter just doesn't always notice when the food isn't reaching his mouth.  It might be hard to tell but there are about 1,498 Cheerios on the floor and only 20 on the table. And, for some reason Carter is using a sifter as a bowl.  Hmm.
Matt and Lucy had a date at Costco.  Hot dog for him, apple slices for her and $300 spent on food/toilet paper/laundry detergent for us.
 She's a riding machine!  Trying desperately to keep up with her big brother when we go on "bike" rides now. And I know she probably doesn't need the helmet, but I'm a bit over-protective and wanted to get in a good habit.
 I'm trying to encourage more arts & crafts, especially on rainy days.  The kids can usually only last 10 minutes, but I'll take it!
 This describes a typical day. Carter rarely wears clothes when we are home, Lucy hates anything that touches her head and they are always playing together!
 Bath time is one of our favorite time of the day!
 Carter and I had a date at the Everett Children's museum.  We just love that place!

 Putting him to work (although, to be honest, he was more than excited to clean out the garage!)
 Fun times at Playdate Cafe!
 Another Mama/Carter date for a nature walk in the rain.  We are really trying to give each child some quality one-on-one time during the weekends.  Carter had the freedom to splash in puddles, climb trees, get muddy, throw sticks and wander around the woods while having my full attention.  And, it was so fun.  We had such good conversations about friends, food, movies, the weather and animals together.

 A morning of baking.  One morning Carter randomly asked to bake carrot muffins together.  So we did!

 A day of shopping at Trader Joes.  I let Carter push the kid cart for the first time and he was so careful to make sure he didn't bump into anyone.  He said it was an important job to push the cart slowly and make sure all the food stayed together.  When we got home he told me the cart was so happy because it found a big boy to love it.  Apparently the cart was sad and lonely waiting for Carter to arrive at the store (only a 3 year old could come up with this stuff!)
 And this morning,  a trip to the Disney store.  Yoshi ate the legs off of Carter's favorite Peter Pan figurine so we went to replace it. But I didn't want to buy the entire box of figurines from the movie so we somehow ended up with this huge Peter Pan doll.  I've never seen a happier kid.

 And it wouldn't be a good week without a trip to the park. Lucy just beams with smiles every time she gets in a swing.  I love this face!


Shani April 11, 2013 at 2:39 PM  

So adorable! Your kiddos are lucky to have such a great mama :-)

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