sunny days.

>> April 25, 2013

The weather has been incredible this week!  As a true WA girl, I know how important it is to fully appreciate these warm spring days because just around the corner is a little rain. 
Tuesday nights have become our library nights.  There is a great (free!) family storytime at the Bothell library and Carter loves it.  Plus, he's made a great new friend who he looks forward to sitting with every week. This week we headed over to the park next to the library to get our the extra wiggles before storytime began. There is this awesome huge dinosaur Lucy just loves!
This particular night the library had a guest clown come in for a rhyming night in honor of Dr. Seuss.  Yes, he's a bit creepy but the kids loved him.  I've never heard so many giggles in a hour and Carter was just in awe the entire time.
 Lucy and I spent some time wandering around the children's section.  She was especially excited to use the computer while her big brother was busy.
 Later in the week I took the kids over to one of Carter's favorite parks. It has a huge (and really old) pirate ship that he loves to climb and act like Peter Pan (of course), but some other fun things like an old fashioned merry-go-round and this old boat turned into a giant sandbox.
 And today it was gorgeous outside!  We took a walk, played in the backyard, did yardwork and went to yet another park.  Carter spent some time practicing for soccer.
 Then it got too hot (really, it was like 10am and only 55 degrees but the sun was shining) and he needed to take his shirt off to get to work.
 And Lucy stayed in her swing until I was too tired to push her.  She just closed her eyes to block out the sun, smiled and kept signing "more" over and over again.
 We even had snack time outside.
 And of course, more swinging.  I am amazed at how long and skinny Lucy's legs are in this picture!  She's growing up way too fast.


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