Easter Weekend.

>> April 6, 2013

WARNING: Lots of pictures of adorable children.

This year Easter fell very early and I thought for sure we would be spending it inside because of cold, rainy weather.  Luckily I was wrong!  It was the most beautiful weekend and we took full advantage of every moment outside.
Early Saturday morning we headed down to Matt's parents house for the day.  After a delicious breakfast we headed over to the Puyallup Rec Center for an Easter Carnival.  It was dumb. Long lines outside that formed into even longer lines inside just to buy tickets to then enter the carnival.  Since my family is not known to be patient we opted to skip it and just go to the playground.  To our surprise we discovered the huge Easter egg hunt in the back and claimed our spot.  
 Of course I totally forgot to bring a cute Easter basket so a reusable bag from the car became plan B.
 After the 5 minutes of fun (because let's be honest....50 kids grabbing 500 pieces of candy doesn't last long) we headed over to the playground.
 Back at Grandma and Grandpa Vance's house, the kids got to open their Easter presents.  Matt's mom always hid the kids' baskets growing up so she did the same thing for Carter and Lucy. The kids were so spoiled. Carter got a great new puzzle and some outdoor gardening tools!  Lucy got an adorable swimsuit, book and a new ride-on toy! (Carter rarely wears pants and had just woken up from a nap when he started his hunt).
 Then we headed outside for another egg hunt!
 Lucy was SO good!  She slowly searched each area of the yard and then casually placed each egg in her basket.
 Carter had a different method.  He would find an egg, eat its contents and then move onto the next.
 I just love this picture.  They are seriously the bestest of friends and looked so cute riding their "bikes" together.
 Then it was time to color eggs.  Last year we colored our eggs outside to prevent a huge mess in our kitchen and let the kids run around while they waited for the eggs to color.  It was a huge success so we did it again!
 I used lemon juice instead of vinegar in the dye. Lucy took her spoon and assumed it was for drinking!
 We ended the day with an amazing dinner and headed home.  Early Easter morning the kids woke up and we got ready for church. All I really wanted that morning was some cute pictures of the kids, pictures with me and one good family shot.  I ended up with these.  Not what I imagined but oh well.

 We don't really make a big deal about the Easter bunny and baskets.  Carter got more gardening stuff and Lucy got a new sippy cup and some dried fruit (yep, boring parents!)
 My brother and sister-in-law came over in the afternoon for lunch and yet another egg hunt.  It was gorgeous weather!
Such a fun, sunny weekend to celebrate Easter!

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