the start of fall.

>> October 7, 2013

We love summer around here.  But, as the weather has been changing we've been embracing all the fun that fall has to offer! 
Part of that means spending more time inside.  The kids have been playing so well together (most of the time).

 Fall also means lots of yummy baked treats!  I probably bake 3-4 times a week and always try to have the kids help me.  It's so much messier but I love how they are learning where our food comes from and trying new flavors as we try new recipes.

She is growing up.

 These 2 love baths.  It's not just a part of the nightly routine, but it's a whole experience.  The toys, the splashing, the bubbles....very exciting stuff around here.
 And they both love books.  We go to the library every week to pick out new books and listen to story time.  But, Carter usually requests to visit the bookstore at least once a week too.  He sits for over an hour just reading through books and finding new stories.  I love it!

 And, if it's not raining we head outside.  Spidernet park (Carter's nicknamed it) is a big favorite.

 Fall also means warm blankets to snuggle up with.
 And getting creative with toys.

 And of course caramel apples!  Such a messy, sticky, sugar-high fun afternoon activity!
Next week = pumpkin patch!

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