>> July 15, 2014
Recently Carter had his half birthday and since both kids' birthdays are in December during a very busy time we try to make their half birthdays a little extra special. He has now reached the age where when asked how old he is, it's no longer just "I'm 4" but "I'm 4 1/2." That extra 1/2 makes a big difference in his world. And, the more I think about it lately….an even bigger difference to me.
Carter has always been a busy boy. Walked at 9 months old, climbs everything like a monkey, needs to touch/taste/feel every.single.item on earth to learn more about it and enjoys all things physical. When he turned 4 I was excited for a new chapter. One that all my friends had said was super fun and enjoyable as the preschool years usually are. But, what I found instead was a very challenging, questioning, yelling and disobeying little boy who was constantly butting heads with me. I don't even like to say it but I didn't even enjoy being around him much for about a 3 week span because it was so difficult. Matt and I bought 3 parenting books in a matter of 2 weeks and I almost read one of them in a span of about 3 hours. I would hold back the tears when I picked him up from the sitters house after hearing he threw not one, but 2 rocks at his best friends head, just to see what would happen. I called and texted many friends to get parenting advice. This was super hard for me. I work with moms all day long and shell out advice on any matter of issues…why couldn't I figure out my own child?!
Well, as all things go in parenthood I realized it was just a phase. Carter and I found our balance and that awful, newly turned 4 year old phase passed by quickly. Thank the Lord!
We have now entered into a new phase and I'm really hoping this one will last for a very long time. Carter is a freaking amazing child. (I know all mom's think that about their own kid but mine is way more amazing than yours…just let me think so alright!)
He is smart and observant. The way he looks at illustrations in books and points out similarities of characters or missing details is mind-blowing. Just when I think he isn't even listening he asks some thoughtful question about a sentence I just read or wants to learn more about a particular word or phrase that was mentioned.
He is strong. This kid eats all day long and loves vegetables more than anything. My 46 inch, 52 pound, size 1 shoe, 4.5 year old towers over every other child his age. And he loves it. He runs fast, plays hard and sweats like a NFL linebacker. He can keep up with kids twice his age and never even realize they are twice his age.
He is loyal. He has his best friend who just happens to be our sitter's son and they are like brothers. They compliment each other, wrestle and tackle each other and love each other as much as they love their little sisters. He protects and defends him when others are around. But, he is growing more loyal in other ways too. I've noticed how he sticks up for Lucy when we are out. He reminds others that she is his little sister and wraps his sweet arm around her shoulder to quietly let her know he's got her back. He is now seeking out new friends at the park and will stick by their side until it's time to go. He is my social extrovert. It's fun to watch him be so courageous and ask someone to be his friend.
He is curious. His new nickname is Curious Carter. The only way he can learn is to touch. And then touch again. And then touch one more time. It drives me crazy most of the time but I am now appreciating his personal learning style and trying to meet his needs the best I can. Often he'll remind me, "But mom, I have to touch something so what CAN I touch?" It's a loud reminder and puts me right in my place.
And, he is goofy. He always has been and it just continues to get better and better. He has taught me how to really laugh, how to get outside of my comfort zone and just have fun. He makes me want to jump right in and join him instead of standing back to observe. Of course he's entered into little boy potty talk but most of the time it's just pure silliness. I hope this never ends.
So, to my big ol' grown up 4.5 year old…..thank you. Thank you for making every day a joy. I'm going to savor these moments and this summer as long as I can. Because soon enough you'll be 5 and then 5.5. Love you buddy. More than you'll ever know.