
>> July 8, 2014

 I just celebrated my 32nd birthday about 2 weeks ago.  32?!?  What? 
To celebrate Matt and I went on a weekend getaway, without the kids for a little adventure and alone time. It was timed perfectly with a wedding for one of my old college roommates. 
We started the weekend at my in-laws who graciously watched Lucy for us for 3 days while my parents took Carter to their house.  The kids loved having one-on-one time with their grandparents and it made it a bit less hectic to only watch one child.
I got to open my presents before we started the road trip!

 First stop was in Cashmere at Anjou Bakery for a delicious breakfast.  Homemade cinnamon and vanilla rolls.
 Then we were off to Leavenworth to go white water rafting!  I went rafting about 10 years ago in college but Matt had never been. We knew we wanted to do something fun to celebrate the day and after finding an amazing Groupon Deal we were sold!  Matt's mom was terrified we might die but I'm here writing this blog 2 weeks later, so needless to say we were fine.  :)
It was such a fun trip.  4 hours in the boat, lots of rapids and lots of cold water!  The guide knew it was my birthday so there were a couple times he steered the boat in my direction to get hit. On one of the last rapids we got a little too ambitious and stopped paddling too early which ended up causing our boat to tip over!  Matt and another girl fell out which made for a dramatic rescue but when it was all over we just laughed and moved on.  I would recommend rafting to anyone!  So.much.fun.

 In our boat was a guy who is a professional skydive instructor.  His 9-5 job is to jump out of planes!  He actually works not too far from our house and gave us his card so I'm thinking I might just have to go skydiving for my next birthday!!
After rafting we quickly changed and headed over to a local brewery for dinner.
 After dinner we got back on the road and headed to Yakima for the rest of the weekend (that's where the wedding was). On our way there we passed by the wind turbines in Ellensburg. I've never been so close to them before and didn't realize how huge they really are!  This picture really doesn't do it justice, they were crazy big!
 Since it was still my birthday and I hadn't had any birthday dessert yet (that cinnamon roll was just breakfast, right?) we ventured out for a casual Target trip to buy random things we didn't need and then DQ Blizzards. I'm never one to pass up ice cream but this was so big I couldn't even finish it.
 The next morning we slept in, found some breakfast and then I somehow convinced Matt we should get pedicures. He nervously agreed and luckily we found a place with a guy who spoke English and TV's that had the World Cup on.  The perfect first experience for him!

 Later that afternoon we drove out to the vineyards for some wine tasting.  Yakima has some beautiful wineries all within a few miles of each other. We went to 3 wineries, spoke with some of the wine makers and brought a delicious bottle home with us.

 Later that night it was time for Meagan's wedding!  Meagan and I lived together for 3 years in college and she is such a fun, smart, beautiful woman.  I couldn't be happier for her to have found her husband.  Such a great couple and loved spending the evening with my 2 best friends. Heather and Katy and I don't see each other as often as I'd like so having a few hours to catch up was just was I needed!  Love you girls!

 Meagan was stunning in her dress!

We ended the weekend with a trip to the local Farmer's Market the next day, delicious coffee and a quick stop at the outlets on the way home before meeting back up with the kids.  Probably one of the best birthdays I've had in many, many years! 


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