strawberry picking!

>> July 8, 2014

It was a random Sunday in early June. We usually spend the morning rushing to get out the door for church but somehow this particular morning we were already dressed and ready to go at 7:30am, with an hour to spare! So, instead of going to church as a family and enjoying a sunny, lazy Sunday with no plans we decided to ditch that idea, change our clothes and drive up to Bellingham for a day of strawberry picking!
First we stopped off at Boulevard Park.  This is probably our absolute favorite place in Bellingham, maybe the whole world. It is one of the first parks both of us ever went to when we started at Western, spent countless hours "studying" with friends during Summer quarters, went on hundreds of walks over the years on the waterfront and even got engaged down at the dock.  Lots of amazing memories have been made at this park.  
 After letting the kids run around for a bit we drove up to Boxx Berry Farm to get picking! There are some really nice farms closer to our house but we really drive up for the delicious strawberry shortcake you can get in their farm store and the kids love the super old playground that is next to the fields. Besides, who needs a lazy Sunday when you can make it long and busy!?
Last year I took the kids by myself and it turned into one of the messiest trips we've ever had. I was happy to have Matt along this time to help pick more berries and be on the clean up crew once we were done.
 The kids got right to work picking eating the berries in the field.

In the end we picked about 27 pounds!

We spent the rest of the afternoon eating, playing and running into some old friends.  Such a fun day and now fresh berries in our freezer for the whole year!!


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