family of 5.

>> June 25, 2015

We are all adjusting pretty well to this sweet new addition. The kids especially. There is SO much change in their little worlds but they have been troopers through it all. Helping with diaper changes, burping, grabbing blankets, wipes and clothes and basically just keeping tabs on every.little.move Simon makes. It's pretty normal for me to hear Lucy say, "Mom, his eyes are open. Mom, he's almost crying. Mom, he spit up." Love how willing they are to help right now!
Just a few lot more pictures of our family loving Simon. This is really the best time ever.
1 day old and eyes wide open! 
2 days old and out for his first neighborhood walk. He has since grown pretty comfortable in the Solly baby wrap, falling asleep every time he cuddles in it.

 Lucy watching over him.  And a little more awake time on the boppy pillow.

 Me "managing" 3 kids on my lap (with very tired eyes). Somehow there is always just enough room!
 Simon and Daddy's favorite activity.
 Just a few days after Simon was born we celebrated Lucy's 1/2 birthday. We don't do a huge celebration but feel like it's worth celebrating these little milestones. So, cinnamon rolls for breakfast and a new princess purse and necklace for the 1/2 birthday girl!
 A very special Father's Day for Matt this year. And it fell on Simon's 1 week birthday.
 For Father's Day Carter gave Matt his choice of going out to eat. Instead of lunch Matt chose a special family ice cream date (can you tell we are a sweets-loving family?!).
 Lucy still feeling a little unsure about this whole newborn thing. Haha...her face is priceless.
Simon had his 1 week check up (actually at 9 days old) with my midwife. He weighed in at 9 lbs! His birth weight was 8 lb, 1 oz and he dipped down to 7 lbs 9 oz at 1 day old but obviously gained that back quickly in his first week. He's definitely long and lean though because newborn clothes are still fitting him just fine. 
 We pulled out the play mat yesterday and all the kids loved it! It's nice to have another place for Simon to hang out when I need 2 hands free to make lunch.

This was Simon's first Sunday going to church, at 1 week old. He wore the same outfit that Carter wore home from the hospital. I can't find the picture (well, I'm too tired to keep searching the computer right now) to compare the 2 boys but at 1 week old he fits into it much better than Carter did at 1 day old. And, he was a dream baby at church, slept the entire time!

 He also had his first bath at 1 week old. I guess he technically had his first bath when he was born in the water but this was his first bath at home. I think Matt and I have finally gotten the hang of this whole newborn bath thing down with baby #3. No tears from Simon, no stress from us.

 Such a different reaction than when we first gave Carter and Lucy a bath. Ha!
This was Carter's first bath. Anxious parents, crying baby.
 And this was Lucy's. Not as nervous but still not completely confident.
But lucky baby stress at all!
 A little multi-tasking with Daddy. And a little relaxing with me.  I must say, having a summer baby is pretty great. I was finished with pregnancy before it got too hot and now get to relax with a sweet newborn, in the sunny weather, while the big kids run around the backyard. Pretty amazing maternity leave!

 After a few explosive poos yesterday morning I decided it was time for bath #2. This time with a few special helpers.
 They loved it!!

And so...we are doing this family of 5 thing as best we can. Am I still tired? Oh yes, most definitely. But I've never felt more complete with our family.


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