
>> June 11, 2015

There are SO many exciting things happening in our lives right now. But with those comes a lot of change, transitions and goodbyes. It seems like one chapter of our life is ending and another huge one is about to begin.
To start off, Carter's half birthday. I know, it's just a 1/2 birthday but when you have a December birthday mixed in between major holidays I think it's worth celebrating the 1/2 day too. Plus, you are only a kid once and those 1/2 years mean a lot in your little world. So, a donut, new movie (purchased at a consignment store - great deal!) and a little sign was the perfect way to make his day. Happy 5 1/2 Carter. Matt and I both agreed 5 1/2 is going to be really good. He's all about helping with chores, becoming more independent and developing a pretty great sense of humor. 

 It's been a very hot June. Hottest one that I can remember at least. Or maybe it's because I'm 9 months pregnant and not used to having all the extra body heat. Either way, a new pool in the backyard has been a lifesaver!
 Soccer season is coming to an end. All of us agreed that we feel like it just started. As nice as it'll be to have 3 days of our week open again, it was so fun to watch the kids learn new skills, make new friends and push themselves to do better.
 Lucy's last game was earlier this week and although she was pretty tired (can't blame the girl, it was 85 degrees!) she ended up finishing strong and scoring her first goal! Of course, no pictures because I was just soaking in the moment but the celebration was pretty fun.
 This was her best friend Ethan who played on her team. The two of them are just the cutest together and having their big brothers play on the same team meant we got to spend a lot of time with their wonderful family.

 And today was the last day of preschool. Again, didn't the year just start?!? Lucy is so excited to be able to start preschool in the fall. She has been asking every day when it'll be her turn so today was a big day knowing she was next in line!
 And a little before and after. First day back in September and last day in June! He's growing up so fast. We just loved his school and felt so lucky to have found a perfect fit for our family. A school that  focuses on socialization, learning through play, lots of story time, health and fitness and 2 very patient, loving teachers. I'm so happy Lucy will get to spend 2 years there and then little baby Vance will get it's turn in a few years.

 Miss Jennifer and Miss Diane have been the best!

 After preschool I surprised the kids by going out to lunch at Red Robin...a very special treat. Usually we head home, make some sandwiches and go straight to quiet time. Having chicken on a stick, a few french fries and an extra special strawberry milkshake was the perfect celebration lunch after a wonderful year!

Tonight will end with Carter's last soccer practice, last game in a few days and this new baby making it's appearance any day now. Transitions and change can be hard, but can be really good too.


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